Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Help You Build A Totally Rad PC


Look at you! You're one step closer to getting your PC sitting marvelously on your desk, pumping frames and pwning noobs. Let's make that happen!

Whether you are a complete beginner or just someone looking for more advice, here's how I can help:

For Gamers
  • Total beginner — I'll keep it clear and concise, while still offering some useful nuggets of information for new PC builders. Let's ignite that spark in you!
  • Dabbling in PC building — Great! You're already one step closer to joining me and providing a similar service. I'm excited to talk about your build ideas, the parts selected, performance and give you some more tips. 

For Professionals
  • Let's have a chat. I'll need to know more about your exact requirements to offer the best recommendations.
  • Got a burning question? A specific tool you need? Benchmarks? Fire them my way.

For Home/Office/Casual
  • It's simply not worth it to get a pre-built, not even for a Home PC. Let's build an efficient, small and unique PC together.

All tiers will include a list of simple questions that will make this building process faster. I'm offering multi-lingual support, so feel free to check out my profile or send me a question.


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