Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Be Your Qualified Online Personal Trainer


I'm Andrea Samuele, a specialized and qualified personal trainer and graduate in Physical Education and Sport Science.
If you want to get involved and really change your physique then I'm the person you are looking for. I will teach you a new vision of fitness, new training methods and how to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. We will work together to achieve your goals. I will prepare a personalized training program based on your lifestyle, your level of athleticism and of course the goal you want to achieve.

The training programs are:

  •  bulk program
  •  shredded program
  • slimming program
  • maintenance and toning
  • strength program
  •  home workout
  •  meal plan personalized (premium)
  • H24 support

I am a qualified personal trainer and you can trust me. I will offer you the best service to achieve your goal.

Always remember that consistency, passion and sacrifice are key elements to achieve your goals! Never give up!

If you’re interested in starting a program together or if you have any questions or need other information contact me.



Great service and professionalism. Training and meal plan structured very well, and results obtained. Great collaboration!

: : : :

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