Thursday, October 29, 2020

Edit And Improve Your Vocals


These prices reflect the crisis we as a creative community are currently facing. Until this passes, I am committed to keeping my prices at a point that is most affordable for content creators affected by COVID-19.

This gig is for artists needing an edit at any level. 

For quick, basic edits, I recommend the On the Fly tier. In this tier, you will receive quick, on-demand edits to your track without revisions. 

For more detailed, delicate edits, I recommend the Collaborator tier. In this tier, you will receive detailed, tailored track edits with a revision for fine-tuning. 

For the ultimate edit, I recommend the Partner tier. In this tier, you will receive a true back and forth to complete your vision, multiple edits, and a shout on the socials for your new project. 



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