Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Any Python Programming For You


I have 3+ years of experience with Python, with intermediate knowledge of the language. Through university classes and outside projects, I have built web crawlers / scrapers, done data processing / visualization, and learned my way around linear algebra libraries, signal processing, and more.

I can do the following for you:

  • Write data processing scripts
  • Do data visualization
  • Write a web scraper
  • ...and much more that you may need

I do not ask for much except reasonable prices starting at $25 and short timelines starting at 2 days. I will make sure the work is something we are both proud of. I'd love apply my skills, grow new ones, and - most importantly - help you out.

I promise to deliver very readable, clean, and correct code.

Please feel welcome to place an order.


: : : : :

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