Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Create A Cross Platform Desktop Application



I am Taha. I have been developing hybrid apps for more than 3 years. During my experience I have worked on different desktop, web and mobile applications. My Skill set includes:

  • Ionic 2, 3, 4+
  • Angular
  • Node
  • Nest JS
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • React
  • JavaScript
  • Cordova
  • Capacitor
  • Firebase
  • WebRTC
  • Redux
  • NgRx
  • Socket I/O
  • Electron
  • TypeScript
  • Bootstrap
  • Angular Material
  • Semantic UI

I can give you the best possible quote and time frame and once the app is developed it is would be the one of the best applications. You would never regret that where did you invest your money.


Please drop me a message before order so we can discuss the details completely. This way we can save time and money for both of us.

We do need proper requirements before starting development. So we would ask you to send us proper documentation so that we can understand the scope of the project.


: : : : :

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