Saturday, May 23, 2020

Build For You An Amazing Front End User Interface


I will design a desktop application that suits you needs. The packages range from a basic form type UI to a dynamically changing UI.

1. Form type - Basic UI where the user enters the values and hits an "ok" or "submit" button.

2. Menu based UI - The user of a system that uses a menu-based interface will be presented with a limited number of options on the screen. Once a selection has been made, the user is presented with a sub-menu. This continues until the user is able to select exactly what they want from the choices finally displayed on the screen.

3. Graphical User Interface - If you have a back-end application that needs a more creative front end graphical user interface with animations, that can be done as well.

4. The dynamically changing UI package is specifically for those who need a UI that is prone to change based on some data. Basic form type UI which 


: : : : :

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