Saturday, March 14, 2020


-----Contact me before placing your order------

Hello My name is Aruna  and I am java programmer I have command on java programming and I can help you in your java assignments and projects tasks i.e Java Technical and logical programs and Assignment.

I will provide you following services.

1. Design and build custom applications.

2. Build console applications which include (Data Structure, Algorithm and problem solving). 

3. Java Swing/JavaFX desktop applications (GUI can be develop on GUI builder or using custom code).

4. Java database connectivity application using JDBC  Databases are
  •    MySQL
  •    Oracle
  •    SQLite
  •    MS Access
  •    SQL Server

My Skills:

  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Multi threading
  • Java Regular Expressions(Regex)

  • Exception Handling

  • IO Streaming/File Handling(Create,Read,Write,Update,Delete from File)

  • Collection Framework

  • Socket Programming(Multi client server chat)

  • DAO Design Patterns
  • Birt and Jasper Reporting
  • Mail API(SMTP for sending mail through Java Program)
  • Algorithms

Tools and IDEs

  • Netbeans
  • CMD compilation and RUN


    : : : : :

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