Sunday, March 29, 2020

Write A Python 2 Python 3 Script


I will write a Python script or one typical simple task, usually it takes up to 100 lines of reasonable code.

I freely use pandas, numpy, PyQt, tkinter, pdfminer, xlrg, regex, Py2PDF, matplotlib. I prefer to use PyCharm.

I understand the algorithms and data structures well.

If necessary, I am ready to study the new material.

Let's work together!



A truly amazing and genuine guy. Not many in the world who has the kind of compassion Dmytro has. So, glad our paths crossed. I would love to keep in contact with him for a long time coming.


Dmytro is a professional. He speaks with clarity and always graceful in helping to understand the best way to tackle a problem.


As always it is always a pleasure to work with Dmytro. Always on time and nothing is ever to difficult for him!


The best programmer on fiverr by a long mile. Thank you for the way you communicate and for the excellent quality you deliver all in good time too.


Dmytro is now my long term python programmer. He is multi talented and very knowledgeable. Be it machine learning, analysis, deep learning etc. Dmytro also has a Masters in Computer Science and is also a Software Developer. What I also love about him is that he writes clean code and places good comments in code so you understand each block of code.

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