Sunday, August 16, 2020

Python Web Development And Develop Complex Algorithm


I'm a Enthusiastic web developer with more than 10 years experience in Python, django, linux, web, IOT  and system development.

I am your ideal candidate for any IoT and Web, full-stack development projects.

I always put my clients first and ensure the most effective communication. I manage and maintain the most effective work schedule, keep my deadlines and promise to clients, and satisfy their requirement and needs.

Web Scraping:

Mechanize,, Celery,BeautifoulSoup.
I have worked on creating custom Web Scrapers, downloading and processing images. 

Real Time Data Processing,
Django Channels, WebSocked:
I had to implement Realtime Messaging System between user and broadcast channel

I have a lot of experience with:

1.  Languages and frameworks: Python 2.7 / 3.5, django, Pylons, flask and other        frameworks and libraries.
2.  Databases: MySQL, Mongo,  Hyperdex and other SQL and NoSQL databases.
3.  OS: Linux, BSD, WindowsServer 
4.  Formats: JSON, GPON, XML, Binary
5.  VCS: Git, Mercurial, SVN;
6. Bug/Issue trackers: Jira, Assembla, 



one of the best people I've worked with


Amazing work done at the end. Exceptional. Good communication and very professional towards the customer.

: : :


I'm a Enthusiastic web developer with more than 10 years experience in Python, django, linux, web, IOT  and system development.

I am your ideal candidate for any IoT and Web, full-stack development projects.

I always put my clients first and ensure the most effective communication. I manage and maintain the most effective work schedule, keep my deadlines and promise to clients, and satisfy their requirement and needs.

Web Scraping:

Mechanize,, Celery,BeautifoulSoup.
I have worked on creating custom Web Scrapers, downloading and processing images. 

Real Time Data Processing,
Django Channels, WebSocked:
I had to implement Realtime Messaging System between user and broadcast channel

I have a lot of experience with:

1.  Languages and frameworks: Python 2.7 / 3.5, django, Pylons, flask and other        frameworks and libraries.
2.  Databases: MySQL, Mongo,  Hyperdex and other SQL and NoSQL databases.
3.  OS: Linux, BSD, WindowsServer 
4.  Formats: JSON, GPON, XML, Binary
5.  VCS: Git, Mercurial, SVN;
6. Bug/Issue trackers: Jira, Assembla, 



one of the best people I've worked with


Amazing work done at the end. Exceptional. Good communication and very professional towards the customer.

: : :

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