Friday, February 21, 2020

Debug, Fix And Improve Your Python Code


Struggling to get your python program working?

Feeling overwhelmed by a script you didn't write?

Can't get a handle on that one tricky bug?
Well, look no further, I can help you!

In this gig, I'll review and refine your python code.

I will ensure:
  • variable names are simple and meaningful

  • code is modular and reusable
  • comments are accurate and concise
  • leftover / dead code is removed
  • script is as small as possible

If you note specific bugs, I will focus my efforts on finding and correcting those issues.

Please message so we can discuss your specific needs before starting a gig!

Image attribution stuff:
Apple II advertisement from the December 1977 issue of Byte magazine - By Apple Computer Inc., Cupertino, CA.
Photo of the Hypertext Editing System - By Gregory Lloyd
Robert Ledley posing with IBM 360 - By Fred Ledley



Superb, a Python master for sure.


Was very good at solving my python issue. Thanks!!


Fast turnaround and great work!


Fantastic gig. A highly satisfied customer. The code re-factor exceeded my expectations. Salvatore is a great programmer. Recommended without hesitation.


Awesome work as always!

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